Thursday, August 30, 2007

3rd quiz....8/10 score for the quiz is 8....what is happening in my mind?!.....its a stupid mistake I should say....that nucleus forces...I forgot that it were strong and weak force...I thought of something else...hahahha......well anyway...A lot of time are still up for those scores to be pulled by much...much...much....much higher scores....into a higher grade in physics this second grading...take note...NO MORE considerations any more..hehehe.....
Holy physics!...right?

2nd quiz.....8/10

(I just did this blog entry this day because its really hard for me to put some entry beacuse I have no computer at home.....) well is my blog entry....

This day I had a good time....We had a usual...its kind of disappointing because of my two mistakes.....its really a stupid act...because of my answers.."ULTRAVIOLET", and "12 BECQUEREL".....I have no idea that the word ultraviolet should have a word short-term ultraviolet.....hay who knows.....and for that becquerel...i thought that it should be 12 not 12.5 because I remembered that sr. mendoza said that no becquerel should have a point somthing value......but at least in the end of the class he really explained to us why it should not be 12 becquerel only....well its least I only..had 2 mistakes....

1st quiz...24/25...

This day we had a not really surprising anymore quiz...because as always we have a quiz every meeting.....our 1st quiz..the crossword puzzle...Luckily I really had a lot of time to study our given notes in radiation in our life....hahaha...that notes was really done good.... For the 1st 40 mins. of our time sr. mendoza discussed everything..and after the quiz then came the was quiet easy for me because I've really studied well....But I had one mistake, though....I forgot that the word "HALF-LIFE" has a hyphen inbetween the two words..... so I've written halflives just to fill up the spaced box....

2nD QuArTeR is A TiMe.......

Like what Mr. Mendoza had told us.......this grading period would be a period of seriousness in our part...we should focus so much in our studies...especially that he wouldn't give any considerations anymore....for the fact that he's a man of one word...holy physics!.....all I can just a sweet good luck to us! We can do it....
