Thursday, September 27, 2007

TERM PAPER..(“Needle, to Unite Energy Concepts”)

Isn’t it annoying when our parents, especially our mother, to scold us about some aren’t good things happening to us? Like accidents, where in the never-ending sermon of our mother to not be careless in this things and that. Everyone is factually prone to accidents. Accidents tend to happen to us. It is inevitable, and that we cannot contradict. Though there are some accidents that are made by others for others with full consent, and knowledge. But what if those accidents could have been the long lost key to the long hidden treasure of secret of life?

Almost 250 years ago a great discovery was born. A birth, which united the conceptual things of energy in the field of Science. It may sound impossible if you will know the truth, that it was just a piece of accident. Imagine a piece of compass needle to let a growing mind to discover a concept that is used until now for the past 186 years. The scientists that accidentally discovered the electromagnetism was, Hans Christian Oersted. On exactly April 21, 1820, he was setting up his materials for a planned evening lecture he noticed a compass needle to deflect from magnetic north when the electric current from the battery he was about to us was switched on and off. This scene (when a needle deflects when placed near a wire carrying a current) made him think that magnetic fields radiate from all sides of a wire carrying an electric current. This important discovery was the first evidence of the connection between electric and magnetic phenomena. Aside from that accidental discovery he was also the first scientist to prepare pure aluminum.

If I am to analyze the discovery process, I could say it was just an absolute accidental discovery. Though at first he already had a sense of electricity and magnetism to have a relationship because of his friend (Johann Ritter physicist who believed there was a connection between electricity and magnetism.) who first made the first thought about it. This drove him to the study of physics. So he became a Professor in one university. In that University, he then discovered electromagnetism. If I am to analyze the discovery process, it is really an accident. Because he was really out of the thought of deflecting the needle when close to a current. As what I’ve said he was about to do a lecture when he discovered it. Though he was somehow in the process of discovering it, the fact is it was discovered at the time where he never expected it to happen or discover. I can say, “He discovered it by nature or unexpectedly but he did not discovered it heartily.” I mean it was really not in his mood of discovering it, not at the right time and at the right place, because he had built laboratories for his planned experimentation. Remember he just seen it when in the setting up of materials for another matter. After the discovery he did not suggest any satisfactory explanation of the phenomenon, nor did he try to represent the phenomenon in a mathematical framework. I should say the whole story tells everything if it was really accidental or not. But really my stand would be, accidental. It is, because it was made not in the experiment proper thing. It was discovered in the time when he was about to conduct something that is away related to his goal (to discover the relationship of electricity and magnetism). There were no like, scientific process done. So I should say it was really accidental, in a sense that it was discovered without a proper way and maybe proper time..

In the end, I can say even the most unwanted happening in life is sometimes may be the wanted one. Discoveries may come in two ways. It may be accidental or made with process. In the case of the discovery of electromagnetism it is really accidental. No matter how things are seen or discovered it is not in the how-it-was, but it is with how open you will be for the discoveries to come and for the different perception of others with your discovery. Remember sometimes things that you don’t expect to be the key for your success and spotlight may be the cause of the next generations’ satisfied life.

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